Friday 25 March 2016

You know you're a P.A. when....

So I recently asked the lovely team Greene to help me compile a list of the funniest/quirky aspects involved in being a PA. Here is the list that we came up with...

You know you're a PA when....
1) You guide a little finger into a nail dryer.
2) You become used to having wet socks/tights after helping someone have a shower.
3) You start to really hate bus drivers after hearing 'sorry you can't get on, there's already a buggy on the bus'.
4) You go to Costa and ask for a cup of tea to eat in, in a take away cup that's not too full up and totally confuse the staff.
5) You feel like Gok Wan after getting an approving nod from an outfit that you've pieced together.
6) You check the disabled loos for the appropriate bars even when you're not with a disabled person.
7) Seeing a tennis ball in bed (to relieve back pain) becomes completely normal.
8) You check every place you walk into for a step.
9) You cannot explain what your job involves because people think PAs work in offices and the term 'carer' offends you.
10) You carry a bizillion bags regularly.
11) You develop methods to avoid inducing spasms like clapping loudly or whacking your thighs when you enter a room.
12) You can't stand lumps in the duvet so take at least 10 minutes trying to flatten said duvet after you've made the bed.
13) You become used to staring at the ceiling in a shop so that the staff will direct their questions towards the person in the wheelchair.
14) You're fed up of hearing 'that must be so rewarding'.

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